Before working with Aamir Khan in the film Dangal, Fatima Sana Shaikh had worked as a child artist with stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Kamal Haasan, and Kajol. She also worked in the TV industry as a side actor. However, she gained recognition on the big screen with Dangal, which marked the beginning of her mainstream cinematic career. In a conversation with Bollywood Bubble, Fatima discusses her personal and professional life. She shares how her parents used to take her and her brother to film shoots. She also talks about how she got roles in films like Chachi 420, Ishq, One Two Ka Four, etc.
In the conversation, Fatima Sana Shaikh reveals the discrimination she faced while working on TV and how paychecks used to be given only after three months. She also explains how she got the role in Dangal and how Sanya Malhotra helped her a lot. During the interview, Fatima tells host Avinash Pal about Aamir Khan’s acting process and what he is like off-screen. Fatima mentions that she is an atheist and why she doesn’t believe in God. She also reacts to actresses like Zaira Wasim who left the industry for the sake of religion. Fatima speaks candidly on several other topics, including South cinema, casting couch, mental health, therapy, the impact of a film’s success and failure on an actor’s career, fees, social media, Instagram, and nepotism.